SMPN 1 DPS is the best school in Denpasar city. Know SMPN 1 DPS has made an SBI (sekolah bertaraf internasional) class and Acceleration (percepatan) class. SMPN 1 DPS has a great facilities like biology lab to study and experiment about boilogy, physic lab to study about physic, multimedia lab to browse internet and find information, a library that has complete book. With the development of technology SMPN 1 DPS know has an permanent LCD, CCTV, AC, Fast internet connection and etc. it got a canteen with various kind of snacks and food, and its very cheap. SMPN 1 DPS has many kinds of extra like biology club, physic club, math club, journalistic, english club, cheese club, karate, football club, drama club, swimming, singging, scout, PMR (palang merah remaja), KSPAN (kelompok siswa peduli aids dan narkoba), even many kinds of music instrument extra, etc. If you want to go to this school just visit at Jl. Surapati no. 2 Denpasar or call 0361 224508. SMPN 1 DPS acreditation (A)
SMPN 1 DPS is the bestof all school in Bali(Dewata Island), I love it you too.
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Arsip Blog
- ► Februari 2009 (1)
- ▼ November 2008 (1)
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